I Am Merkle: November 2023 Edition

November 20, 2023, Jennie Mitchell, Nicole Morales

In this edition of I Am Merkle, we get to know two members of our Parents Business Resource Group: Project Manager Jennie Mitchell and Director, Email Portfolio Lead Nicole Morales. Read on to hear about their professional journeys, their experiences as parents, and more.

1.    Tell us about yourself; where did you grow up? Where do you live now?

JM: Born and raised in London, Ontario. Spent a lot of my childhood in Haldimand Country with extended family and grandparents. I believe that I “grew up” while living in Toronto as an adult but I recently moved back to London.
NM: We grew up in San Jose, Costa Rica. Fun Fact: English is my first language and I had to learn Spanish when we moved to CR. I moved back stateside in 2012 and currently reside in Lambertville, NJ.

2.    What drew you to your current career?

JM: I thrive on working closely with my team, on challenging projects and always had an interest in marketing. Joining this team was the perfect opportunity to lean into my project management expertise while gaining new knowledge and experience.
NM: Two words: game theory! Lol. It was my favorite class in college, and I feel that in email marketing we use a lot of these principles in how we strategize and communicate with our audience. I also really do just love problem-solving − it’s the ADHD in me.

3.    If you could have any occupation in the world, what would it be?

JM: I always envisioned that I would be a Clinical Psychologist, supporting people through therapy while also teaching and conducting research out of a university.
NM: It’s completely unrelated to what I do today, but I would love to learn how to sew and become a fashion designer. In college, I would sketch out outfits for my friends while we were in class.

4.    What is your biggest accomplishment?

JM: This is a tough one! Professionally, I am proud to be a published researcher. Personally, I am proud of the little person I am raising. He’s creative, courageous, authentically empathetic, and stands up for himself and others.
NM: Workwise – I was able to lead the team and implement process and staffing changes that helped set us up for success. We went from a client rating of 1.5 to 8 in a matter of a year. I’m so proud of the amazing team that helped make this a reality – they don’t get enough credit!

5.    To date, what has been your biggest learning or teaching moment?

JM: When I realized that many things in life are finite. As he grows, experiences with my child are ever-changing and the busyness of life takes over. In 2021, I learned that my control over my health is limited to activities that reduce the risk of ailments and improve mental wellness.

NM: The LIFT program - the women, coaches, sponsors, and the content were amazing. It opened my eyes to my personal strengths and how much I unintentionally got in my own way. It showed me that there is value, not only in what I do but in what I bring to the table.

6.    What is a moment in your life that defined or shaped who you are today?

JM: During my teen years, we lost our family business and my family separated. My dad and I got an apartment together. This experience reminded me of what to value in life and allowed me to explore the truest version of myself in a safe and loving home. It also taught me how to show up as a parent.

NM: Becoming a mom, the first time I heard him cry was a very real moment for me. It puts things into perspective in a different way, a good way. It’s one of the hardest things I have ever done while also the most rewarding. If anything, it has taught me to enjoy the little things.

7.    What inspires you about Merkle’s workplace culture?

JM: I value the opportunities provided to learn and grow personally and professionally from others through leadership initiatives, our DEI team, and our BRGs.

NM: That there are people out there that care. The entire DEI ORG tries so hard to create these safe spaces that feel welcoming, supportive, and inclusive.

8.    How did you become involved with the Parents BRG?

JM: I had been a member of the BRG and the lead had invited me to step into her role. It felt like the right fit as a community advocate and solo parent to have a leadership role and work to instigate changes that can support our parents.

NM: I was very lucky that I had great leaders who helped me find my bearings at work after my maternity leave. They were also the ones that told me about joining the BRG when the pandemic hit because it was all so isolating and challenging. It inspired me to do the same!

9.    What has been your favorite experience in the Parents BRG?

JM: By far I appreciate the check-ins with other parents. There is nothing more supportive and validating than spending time with people who have been where you are, are right there with you, or are where you will be, in your parenting journey.

NM: The people I have gotten to work with! From the leaders in the Parent BRG, like Sarah and Rebekah in the UK, to my amazing co-leads Jenn and Charlene. It’s the coming together for the same goals and efforts and supporting each other through the challenges that have made this worthwhile.

10.  Rapid fire:

Jennie Mitchell:

a.     Favorite food: Cake

b.     Favorite TV show/movie: Moonlight

c.     Favorite hobby/activity: Hiking and camping

d.     Favorite book: Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka

e.     Guilty pleasure: Trying to sing like Celine Dion

f.      Best advice or mantra you live by: We have two ears and two eyes but only one mouth for a reason.

Nicole Morales:

a.     Favorite food: Tacos

b.     Favorite TV show/movie: The Goonies! “Hey you guys!!!!”

c.     Favorite hobby/activity: Does sleeping count?

d.     Favorite book: The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath

e.     Guilty pleasure: Reality TV! MTV’s The Challenge

f.      Best advice or mantra you live by: It’s from my son’s book. “I wonder what wonderful things you could be.”

About our Authors

Jennie Mitchell has been a member of the Project Management team at Merkle | Cardinal Path for two years and the Lead of the Parent’s BRG in Canada. Before this, Jennie spent 15 years in the non-profit sector, supporting women and children survivors of violence through research, systemic advocacy, knowledge mobilization, and counselling. Jennie is known for her positive energy, big-picture thinking, team collaboration, and appetite for learning.

Jennie has a four-year-old child named Ziggy who has a great sense of humor and passion for all things rainbow and construction vehicles. As a family, Jennie and Ziggy spend their weekends baking bread and cake, hiking local trails with their dog Bozzi, and having fires in the backyard. 

Nicole Morales describes herself as “Costarican working in the big city!” She loves to get her hands dirty and look under the hood. She’s passionate about all things CRM, including delivering top-quality work. Nicole has been in this industry for the last 13 years, and every day she feels like she learns something new. She’s inspired by the people she works with and the impact it has on her clients. On a more personal note, she’s a firm believer in leaving the world a better place than you found it.

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