B2B forward: Winning the C-Suite of tomorrow

Jun 29, 2023

What you’d learn

Join us at Ignite London 2023 for a special keynote on:

  1. The specific decision drivers that are essential to winning over millennial decision-makers
  2. The impressive commercial outcomes of performing well against these decision drivers 
  3. Key opportunities to close the performance gap identified in the largest B2B marketing research study

...and understand how you can evolve your customer experience to win-over the C-Suite of tomorrow, today. 

What constitutes a world-class B2B experience for the C-Suite of tomorrow? In this keynote, Merkle B2B’s Senior Account Director Kayvon Mesbah and Senior Research Executive, Kim Arend, represent these future decision-makers. They will break down the need-to-know insights from their major global research study; The 2023 B2B Superpowers Index; and uncover how to think differently and win business with the C-Suite of tomorrow, today.  

Why is this important? The B2B landscape is constantly evolving, and Merkle B2B’s latest research shows that 49% of B2B decision-makers are made up of Millennials, an increase of 17% year on year, as well as a significant increase in the number of Gen Zs influencing buying decisions. These generational cohorts are the leaders of today, and tomorrow, and their expectations are on the rise. So what makes them tick? 

Join Kayvon and Kim as they delve into the findings from Merkle B2B’s survey of over 3,600 B2B buyers, distil what matters most to these generations, and where they are currently underserved (therefore providing you with further opportunity to win their business). 

Our presenters

Kayvon Mesbah

Senior Account Director

Kim Arend

Senior Research Executive