Finding the Nuggets of Customer Insights Through Visual Exploration

September 24, 2020, Kris Karaikudi

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Our online purchase behavior has changed dramatically in the last decade, and with COVID-19, it has become ubiquitous. A Pew Research Center survey from early April finds that roughly half of US adults (53%) say the Internet has been “essential”. As more Americans shop online, even for those services that they typically did not shop for previously, it is imperative that marketers reach the right audience, personalize the customer experience, and allocate the marketing spend the right way.

While data from site analytics, digital media, search, CRM, third party, etc. is readily available and able to be integrated, the fundamental question of how you put the data to work becomes the million-dollar question. And, getting data in front of marketers in a way that doesn’t require coding skill, or the support of a team of analysts or developers is what we have tried to solve.

We have developed solutions to track customer data from CRM, email marketing, social media campaigns, and website engagements in a data management platform. There are data visualization tools that you can leverage to develop a unified set of dashboards that will provide a holistic view of your customer and their interactions with your business. These tools are stood up on top of a reporting layer that leverages our Holiday/Travel vertical specific measurement framework that contains industry KPIs.

With its rich visualization library and ability to connect to disparate data sources, Tableau, a Merkle Partner, helps us develop solutions to become intuitive, interactive, and drillable allowing end users to find the little nuggets of insights. As more and more marketers lean towards making data-driven decisions, providing tools of this nature enables them to identify and create micro-segments of audiences for the next offer.

Our Customer Profile set of dashboards are designed to understand the customer base and can visually explore your audiences across a variety of socio, demographic, behavior, engagement, purchase behavior and geographic dimensions. These dashboards allow for drillable storytelling, enabling marketers to “browse” the customer universe and identify micro-segments of audiences. These dashboards are further enhanced by Merkle’s Merkury Identity™ resolution platform:

Profile Dashboards

Consolidated Customer View: We apply over 200+ pre-built aggregates to assist with segmentation including customer types, customer status, brand and channel affinity, past purchase behaviors etc. to slice and dice KPIs like revenue, look to book, average order value, satisfaction scores/reviews to  help marketers make better business decisions.

Identify Risks and Opportunities: Sales and marketing teams need to move fast. These dashboards enable marketers to highlight emerging patterns within product adoption and penetration.

Insights for Any Role:  Our data visualizations are customizable to allow sales managers, marketing leaders, executives, and collaborators to filter the information that is most relevant to their business functions.

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