Content at Scale: Key Challenges to Delivering the Total CX

November 3, 2021, Adam Lavelle

Content at Scale: Key Challenges to Delivering the Total CX

November 3, 2021, Adam Lavelle

Content at Scale: Key Challenges to Delivering the Total CX

November 3, 2021, Adam Lavelle

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Merkle Blog Image

Content at Scale: Key Challenges to Delivering the Total CX

November 3, 2021, Adam Lavelle

Content at Scale: Key Challenges to Delivering the Total CX

November 3, 2021, Adam Lavelle

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Content at Scale: Key Challenges to Delivering the Total CX

November 3, 2021, Adam Lavelle

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Merkle Blog Image

Content at Scale: Key Challenges to Delivering the Total CX

November 3, 2021, Adam Lavelle

Our four-part series on dentsu Content Symphony enterprise content platform solutions pulls from a session from the 2021 Adobe Summit hosted by Adam Lavelle on the topic of content at scale. Truly bespoke experiences, with meaningful content aligned to a customer’s past purchases, current desires, and future interests, are now table stakes in the eyes of both B2C customers and B2B buyers. This level of personalization demands a massive up-leveling of brands’ abilities to produce, deliver, measure, and continuously optimize the creative content that fuels their personalization strategies.

In this first excerpt, Adam discusses what content at scale looks like at the global enterprise level, then explores the key challenges brands must overcome to deliver on that promise.

To see more of Adam’s Summit session, watch the full video here – and revisit this blog every two weeks for new installments in this series.

If you are looking to build enterprise content capabilities to power personalization at scale for your brand, check out two new reports on the topic:

  • Content at Scale: Competing to connect with the always-on, digital-first consumer – a recent whitepaper that takes a deep dive into the topic and provides a roadmap to building the modern enterprise content operation
  • Content Symphony – the ebook about our new enterprise content platform solutions, which integrate Adobe Experience Cloud, Adobe Creative Cloud, and Adobe Workfront into a powerful and vital tool for driving content at scale.

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