Orchestrating the B2B Experience

Orchestrating the B2B Experience

Orchestrating the B2B Experience

Orchestrating the B2B Experience

Orchestrating the B2B Experience

Orchestrating the B2B Experience

Orchestrating the B2B Experience

Simplified orchestration is the coordination of marketing efforts to deliver the right content to the right person at the right time in a way that can be measured. Moving beyond automation into orchestration allows Marketers to fully engage with consumers from beginning to end. Looking ahead, how do we bring all those initiatives together to orchestrate the experience?

We teamed up with other industry leaders to take a closer look at what effective orchestration is and why it’s critical in today’s B2B environment. In this eBook, we explain how to:

  • Replicate B2C successes in the B2B model with measurable campaigns
  • Use highly targeted marketing techniques to deliver precisely the right message to the right person at the right time
  • Leverage the different tools within Marketo Engage to create a personalized experience

Give Your Audience the Experience They Crave

Make B2B less about sales and more about understanding customers and prospects by creating a highly personalized buying experience.

Simplified orchestration is the coordination of marketing efforts to deliver the right content to the right person at the right time in a way that can be measured.

Moving beyond automation into orchestration allows Marketers to fully engage with consumers from beginning to end. Looking ahead, how do we bring all those initiatives together to orchestrate the experience?

We found that 80% of companies have the tools to deliver personalized customer experience, but just 28% of companies messaging is based on one-to-one behavior triggers.

So if lack of tech resources isn’t the problem, what is?

The answer: making the technologies work together effectively.

The reality is, you can’t just throw technology at orchestration; you need to plan for how your technologies will work for you. Technology is an execution tool – not a strategy in itself.

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